Put Panic in the Rear-View Mirror & Pave the Way for Success.
The rise of the Coronavirus may have placed a roadblock in the path of your business plan. However, now more than ever, it is critical to implement and accelerate strong corporate governance and risk management plans to achieve success.
In response, we have compiled a comprehensive solution set for our customers through our Coronavirus Risk Management Response Package. We are here to help organizations deal with the unimaginable challenges that lie ahead.
Learn how LogicManager supported one Chief Risk Officer as he led his organization through the last recession.
Transition & Transform
LogicManager has been in business since 2005. Over these 15 years, we have helped our customers weather many storms – financial and health – to both mitigate the risk in front of them and, more importantly, the risks that are likely to arise on the other side of the current crisis. Join LogicManager and unlock access to over a collective 100 years of risk management experience, 1,000 plus use cases and our market leading software.
With LogicManager’s support, our customers have transitioned and transformed their organizations through the Great Recession, the H1N1 pandemic of 2009 and countless natural disasters. With seamless deployment and customized business continuity planning, our expert advisory support team will do the heavy lifting for you, so you can focus on what you do best. Forage ahead with confidence and clarity with LogicManager’s Coronavirus Pandemic Response Package.
Coronavirus Risk Management Pandemic Response Package
The risk is here, but it’s not too late.
We’ve put together a package of use cases designed to help our customers with Coronavirus Risk Management, combined with our advisory team to support them along the way. Our goal is to equip our customers with the resources they need to focus their energy on the situations ahead at no charge*.
CDC Response Checklist
LogicManager’s CDC checklist offers a set of standards and requirements recommended for businesses to react to a pandemic. Map existing controls to the CDC’s recommendation, and create action plans to address gaps.
Pandemic Risk Assessment
Specific pandemic/epidemic risk assessment to help risk managers understand how well equipped your business units are to handle the effects of COVID-19.
Incident Reporting
Customers may use our case and incident management functionality to track a variety of use cases, such as incidents of illness throughout the company, branches, or partners.
Enterprise Risk Management
Company goals and key risk indicator expectations have drastically shifted in the face of COVID-19. Update your risk assessments, risk appetite, and assumptions to better understand how COVID-19 will impact your 2020 goals and beyond.
Issue questionnaires to your vendors to assess their readiness to provide business services throughout the economic disruption.
Ongoing Business
Continuity Planning
Continue to update and share pandemic and business continuity plans to ensure you are capturing the most relevant and up-to-date information.
Loan/Grant Management
Congress has signed today (March 26, 2020) an unprecedented stimulus plan that makes specific relief available to a variety of institutions. Those seeking to participate in this program will need to navigate a maze of many vague, uncertain and still unfolding requirements and demonstrate their risk management competencies to qualify for relief. LogicManager can help you quantify and demonstrate your risk management competency with reporting to help expedite the application and approval for COVID-19 relief.
Pandemic Status
Reports for Leadership
Report on risk assessments and readiness gaps, critical incidents, at-risk vendors, and more. With physical distancing of employees, we have lost many of our management connections to performance and emerging risks. Collecting and visualizing business metrics as over time enables you to track the progress of your mitigation activities more frequently and in context.
* We’re providing free access to these COVID-19 specific solutions to our customers in good standing through September 30, 2020. If you are receiving value from the solutions beyond September 30th, we will work with you to find a suitable licensing arrangement.
Let’s Tackle This Together
Here are a few of the many actionable plans we have implemented for our valued customers so far during the Covid-19 crisis. Share what your organization is doing to transition and transform.
Top 5 Largest North American Airport
As the effects of the Covid-19 crisis on the travel industry are unfolding, our partners at one of the top 5 largest North American Airports have been quick to take action. To help them better service their customers, a combination of our advisory analysts and software were utilized to identify available resources and generate a visual representation of such entities. In presenting these reports to the leadership teams, the company is able to optimize available resources by business unit and skills. As the effects of the Pandemic continue to surface, this will support this North American Airport leader in maximizing the allocation of their assets efficiently.
National Leading Financial Institution
It is not only a critical time for action, but also transformation. In recognizing this, we are working with a national leading financial institution to collect information and data regarding their current learnings and challenges. Through the use of one of our webform features, their team has been able to contemplate areas of improvement during the Covid-19 crisis and begin making adjustments now. Through accumulation of this data, this national leading financial institution is positioning itself for success in both the present and future.
A State Public Electric Power Authority
The threat of financial uncertainty is upon us, but with the right response, your business can control its impact. In the wake of a natural disaster, a state public electric power authority was faced with developing a post-bankruptcy bailout plan. In partnering with LogicManager, they are rolling out a more actionable Enterprise Risk Management process. Using our software, our team created aggregated heatmaps for each of their major business functions. This is enabling them to prioritize their energy and effort on the most crucial areas of their organization, while keeping the board and stakeholders informed of the most critical risks. More importantly, they are able to proactively plan how to manage those risks and better future proof their business.