Healthcare Risk Management Software

Protect your patients and your staff with LogicManager’s healthcare risk management software.
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Meet Your Healthcare Risk Management Challenges Head On

Risk management in healthcare is an integral part of delivering safe and trusted care. To serve their patients and staff best, hospitals and other medical organizations must assess and control risks associated with patient safety, federal regulations, potential medical error, and much more. Staying on top of these risks demands a powerful and flexible program. LogicManager’s integrated healthcare risk management, compliance, and governance solutions are designed to meet the needs of this unique and dynamic industry.

Experience a Customized Healthcare Risk Management Solution

We’ve built our healthcare enterprise risk management software with you in mind. Explore the pre-built, industry-specific content that comes with our hospital risk management software. We have everything you need to make your risk management process a painless one.

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Some of Our Healthcare Customers

The LogicManager Difference

We take the risk so you do not have to. We evaluate each solution’s effectiveness to ensure your success and hold ourselves accountable with an unconditional money-back guarantee. We are dedicated to evolving with you as your needs expand.

Our fixed pricing model offers unlimited licensing and everything you need to succeed in risk management. With no surprise fees, our no-code technology allows for easy configuration and we provide additional support from our advisory team at no extra cost.

We’re not just a software provider, but your trusted partner in enterprise risk management. From one-on-one training sessions to answering technical and best-practice questions, our dedicated advisory analysts are with you every step of the way.

How Can We Help You?


Every organization has unique processes, circumstances, and potential problems. That’s why we’ve created customizable software specifically for enterprise risk management in healthcare. 

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LogicManager and Winona Health Win GRC Value Award in Healthcare Risk Management!

Research firm GRC 20/20 awarded Winona Health, a LogicManager customer, the GRC Value Award in Risk Management for integrating its enterprise risk management (ERM) and incident management programs in just 45 days. To learn more about how LogicManager enabled Winona Health to achieve value with a risk-based approach, download the GRC 20/20 case study.

Read our case study
award-winning risk management in healthcare
healthcare risk management

“The support is incredible and the product is easy to use. LogicManager helped catapult our ERM efforts. The reports are an excellent tool for identifying opportunities for improvement! Their analysts and their library of resources are phenomenal!”

VP of Quality, Safety & Risk ×€ Winona Health

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Learn How LogicManager’s ERM Software Can Transform Your Risk Management Program

Speak with one of our risk specialists today and discover how you can empower your organization to uphold their reputation, anticipate what’s ahead, and improve business performance through strong governance.

Businesswoman with ERM Software Dashboards

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