IT Governance & Security

IT Risk Management Solutions to Protect Your Reputation

In today’s digitized world, IT governance and security are top priorities. System downtime, fraudulent activity, and data breaches are among the many cybersecurity mishaps that threaten a company’s success.

Protect your company’s data, customers, and reputation with LogicManager’s IT Risk Assessment & Security Software.

  • Ensure your sensitive information is stored in compliance with evolving privacy requirements through readiness guidance and risk assessments, along with data mapping and incident response management.
  • Align policies and procedures to best-practice frameworks and regulations like ISO, NIST, COBIT, GDPR, CCPA, and more.
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Why Logicmanager? – Users of LogicManager’s ERM software explain how their ITRM programs have benefited from our platform and expert advisory service.

Customer Success StoriesExplore How Companies Overcame Challenges With Our IT Risk Management Solutions

Cybersecurity data privacy

ERM Can Save Millions: Cybersecurity Case Study

A Santa Barbara based non-profit organization suffered a breach of over 30,000 medical records caused by a third-party vendor that housed personal health information (PHI) without adequate security measures to safeguard the data, a disaster that could have been prevented with proper cybersecurity risk management.

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SaaS Case Study

The Advantages of SaaS in Large GRC and ERM Deployments

Take a close look at a large, multinational manufacturer aiming to identify and assess risks across all departments in this case study and learn why LogicManager’s Software-as-a-Service delivery model offers an ideal implementation process for large companies looking for an ERM solution.

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What Our Customers Are Saying...

“We’ve been able to create a centralized place to house multiple review processes that were previously handled via email. This has enabled tracking, reporting, and visibility to processes that wasn’t available before LogicManager. The Customer Support team has been amazing! Everyone I’ve interacted with has offered positive solutions and offered assistance.”
Compliance Change Management Specialist
Financial Services
“I have implemented LogicManager across four organizations and believe it to be the best product out there for ERM. The company listens to the feedback from end users and incorporates that into system enhancements and upgrades. The Advisory Analysts are like having an add to staff, as they assist in identifying and sharing ideas to address customer use cases.”
AVP - ICFR & Vendor Risk Manager
Financial Services
“The overall experience has been very positive. The implementation team has done a great job of walking us step by step through the set up process. The initial introduction to the software was overwhelming, but through careful guidance and instruction, the system has become much easier to navigate. Continued familiarity with the product is creating more confidence in using the system. The software allows you to centralize processes and create efficiencies throughout the organization. Once the processes are built out, they system allows you to automate reminders to ensure on-going compliance with federal regulatory requirements.”
SVP, Senior Compliance Manager

The LogicManager DifferenceA Holistic Approach to IT Risk Management (ITRM)

LogicManager Risk Management Platform Data Breach Response Policy Dashboard Reports

Business Decision InsightsFocus on What’s Important

Through our ERM software, we allow our customers to spend more time strategically managing risks– and less time on tedious administrative activities, like data cleansing and manipulation. Our solution enhances efficiency while bringing “unknown knowns” that risk managers might miss to the surface. Stay on top of ever-changing standards, regulations, and emerging threats while keeping your company’s customer and employee data safe.

Customer ExperienceStreamline Your Risk Management Program

Unlike other software that requires IT professional customization, our solution allows customers to control engagement through an end-user configuration. This approach enables faster time-to-value and allows organizations to evolve their programs over time, not to mention a quicker return on investment. 

Business professionals high five over vendor management
Taking a risk-based approach to risk management

Risk-Based ApproachPrepare for Tomorrow’s Surprises Today

A risk-based approach is the key to effective governance, risk, and compliance. This process enables sound prioritization across organizational silos, identifies challenges and critical dependencies, and proper resource allocation. With a risk-based mindset, organizations can better deploy resources to valuable areas, and high-level risk concerns can more easily surface– and be appropriately mitigated.

Integrate Risk & Governance Areas Ebook

Complimentary eBookHow to Integrate Governance Areas

In this eBook, we’ll walk you through the process of building a standardized risk governance structure, also known as a taxonomy, so that you can compare and aggregate risk information across governance areas.

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CapabilitiesAn All-In-One IT Risk Management Platform

Custom Profile & Visibility Rules

Visibility rules allow for risk-based data collection, ensuring that high-risk events and resources are subject to additional due diligence and focusing your users on only relevant information.

Reporting & Dashboards

Prove compliance to regulators and present engaging reports to the board and senior management with ready-made, highly configurable reports and dashboards.

Risk Library

House all of your compliance information in one centralized repository, complete with ready-made libraries of risks, standards, and regulations

Workflow Capability

Maintain your security audit management responsibilities and track the status of your projects with easily accessible to-do lists.

Event Management

Automate the process of engaging managers to review employee entitlements by integrating your recurring file transfer process with LogicManager: simply drop a file into SFTP and sit back as a LogicManager event is created for review and sign-off.

Risk Assessment

Prioritize your organization’s most critical resources and identify gaps in protection with intuitive and objective IT risk assessments.

Seamless System Connections

Our Integration Hub allows for seamless integration with over 50 popular third-party applications such as WorkDay, DocuSign, Office365, BitSight, RiskRecon, and accounts payable systems.

Frequently Asked QuestionsFoundations of IT Risk Management

IT Risk Management software is a specialized tool designed to help organizations identify, assess, manage, and mitigate risks associated with their information technology (IT) infrastructure and processes. This type of software provides a structured approach to managing IT risks by offering features such as:

  1. Risk Identification: Helps identify potential risks within an organization’s IT environment, including hardware failures, software vulnerabilities, cybersecurity threats, and compliance issues.
  2. Risk Assessment: Facilitates the evaluation of identified risks based on their likelihood and potential impact on the organization. This helps prioritize risks and allocate resources effectively.
  3. Risk Mitigation: Provides strategies and solutions to minimize or eliminate identified risks. This includes implementing controls, policies, and procedures to safeguard IT assets and ensure business continuity.
  4. Monitoring and Reporting: Continuously monitors the IT environment for new and evolving risks, ensuring that risk management efforts are up-to-date. It also generates reports and dashboards to keep stakeholders informed about the current risk landscape and the effectiveness of mitigation efforts.
  5. Compliance Management: Assists in ensuring compliance with various regulatory requirements and industry standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO 27001. It helps track compliance status, manage audits, and reduce the risk of non-compliance penalties.

By leveraging IT Risk Management software, organizations can proactively manage IT risks, protect sensitive data, ensure regulatory compliance, and maintain the integrity and availability of their IT systems. This ultimately supports the organization’s overall risk management strategy and contributes to achieving long-term business goals.

System downtime, fraudulent activity, and data breaches can threaten a company’s success.

In today’s business environment, technological advancements routinely outpace regulatory requirements and standards. Such advancements prove to be a double-edged sword; although this streamlines operational capacity, reduces costs, and increases efficiency, it also opens up new vulnerabilities. New technologies mean new tools for both businesses and attackers alike, but the more you rely on technology, the more exposed you are to related weaknesses. Some common cybersecurity threats today include:

  • Hacking, resulting in data loss or theft
  • Impersonation of executives to retrieve confidential information
  • Knowledge, privilege, or data abuse
  • Unapproved hardware or software installation
  • Polymorphic malware

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Request a DemoLearn How LogicManager’s IT Governance & Security Software Can Transform Your ITRM Program

Speak with one of our risk specialists today and discover how you can empower your organization to uphold their reputation, anticipate what’s ahead, and improve business performance through strong governance.

Businesswoman with ERM Software Dashboards

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