Change Management Tools

With today’s ever changing environment comes rapidly evolving regulations your organization must keep track of. LogicManager’s Change Management solution package has everything you need to stay on top of (and ahead of) the curve.

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This application can be achieved through:

LogicManager’s Change Management Solution

Here’s what you can expect with LogicManager’s Change Management solution package:

  • An out-of-the-box policy change management form will provide a place for you and your team to document any suggestions for changes to the current policies in place.
  • Record actionable next steps for any lines of business associated with implementing suggested new changes.
  • Visibility rules allow you to gather relevant information behind each change to help streamline your overall process.
  • Build out a repository of your policies in LogicManager Taxonomy and link each respective policy form to any relevant documents.
  • Set up annual reviews for current policies to be kicked off on a recurring basis to ensure approval processes happen in a timely manner and all information is kept up to date.
  • Leverage our robust reporting engine to produce a number of visualizations for presenting your policy information:
    • Narrative Report: Provides all information for a specific submission in an easy to read format.
    • Open Tasks Due in the Next 90 Days: Helps you stay on top of important due dates and see if there are any blocks.
    • Incident Field History Report: Track changes over time, providing you with a full audit trail history on this one incident.

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Change Management Tools

Achieve Change Management with LogicManager

Maintain a centralized repository

Keep policies housed in a centralized policy platform to manage and track changes to those policies all in one place. This serves as a much better solution than relying on a calendar or sticky notes to see when items are coming up for review, as it automates your work and minimizes human error.

Streamline your processes

Easily document protocols and responsibilities and define common fields to avoid confusion and ensure the review process runs as efficiently as possible. This ultimately facilitates the entire change management process.

Achieve your strategic goals

LogicManager helps to identify changes to existing regulations, as well as new regulations, that may impact the ability for your organization to achieve strategic objectives. Being able to then track and manage these updates helps ensure that your path to these goals is not obstructed by potential fines or consequences.

What is Change Management?

As someone in charge of managing the policies at your organization, you set the playbook. But staying on top of reviewing, implementing, revising and disseminating your policy information across your enterprise is a lot to take on. The goal of change management is to standardize this due diligence to ensure that all changes are made in a thoughtful way that minimizes risk. LogicManager’s Change Management solution package streamlines this formalized process to save you time and energy, without forcing you to sacrifice quality of work. Keep reading to learn more.

Change Management Risks

Regulations at the local, state and federal levels are changing every day. No matter how well your organization’s leaders are staying on top of these evolving requirements, if the standards are not reflected in your company policies, it will be difficult to prove compliance. Even if you are keeping your policies up to date and in line with regulations, is everyone at your company on board and actively following those policies?

Should an incident occur at the employee level, your company could be held liable if you can’t prove that they were made aware that their action broke policy. Using a robust policy solution like LogicManager helps produce a timestamped audit trail and automates the policy attestation process to prevent the risk of liability.

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Speak with one of our risk specialists today and discover how you can empower your organization to uphold their reputation, anticipate what’s ahead, and improve business performance through strong governance.

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